My reflection for the movie “The Ultimate Gift.”

Jason Stevens is the grandson of billionaire Red Stevens. All I can say is that Jason has everything, all the splendid and elegant things in the world. What more could he ask for? He can afford everything, but no, that doesn’t end there. He has a purpose. After his wealthy grandfather’s death, he leaves his family an unorthodox will. Jason was asked to watch his grandfather’s video shots and that’s when he knew he has a purpose and he learns that “The Ultimate Gift” awaits him. By the help of his grandfather’s bestfriend, Mr. Hamilton, He is the one responsible for all the tasks Jason was asked to do. If he finished that he would be able to get his inheritance by his grandfather. At first Jason balks, but his gold-digging girlfriend forced him to give it a chance and go. His first task was to fly to Texas, he has no idea what’s waiting for him there but his Grandfather’s friend “Gus” was there to pick him, Jason’s task was to dig fence-post holes in the middle of nowhere. He was full of complaints, but Jason sticks with it, realizing that he’ll have to finish the job to claim his inheritance. Other tests await when Jason returns, each assigned by his grandfather to teach the value of work, money, family, friendship and gratitude, etc. Time comes when Jason became homeless, there he met two new people, Alexia and her daughter Emily who is battling with cancer. That’s when everything changed with Jason. That’s when Jason discovers there is more to life than money, and money can be used to make life more for others. 3 things that hit me in this movie are:

First, before you get something you desire you need to work hard for it. You can’t be successful without putting a lot of hardwork in it, and Jason proved it. He was trapped by the druglords, he became homeless, his family ignored him but he didn’t stop living his life and he didn’t stop doing his grandfather’s tasks for him because he knew that, that was his purpose in life and that’s when other things follow.

Second is, after he recieved $100 million. He uses it to create a state-of-the-art medical facility for families “experiencing severe health challenges.” And it was his tribute for Emily, The movie’s strong message implies that he has become someone who will use his resources to benefit other people. Make your purpose in life benefits other people. Make sure that it has an impact to the people around you.

Third and lastly is, “The Ultimate Gift” The 12 Gifts, Jason learned about. The gift of work, The gift of money, The gift of friends, The gift of learning, The gift of problems, The gift of family, The gift of laughter, The gift of dreams, The gift of giving, The gift of gratitude, The gift of a day, and lastly The gift of love. They were all important. There’s many explanation about all the gifts but most importantly, Jason chose to become the better person for himself and for the people he loves. And Jason learnt to be grateful. And that’s all we need in life, I guess? 🙂

“Every happening, great or small, is a parable by which God speaks to us. The art of life is to get the message.”

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